Well hope everyone is doing well. Thinking about all those in area's having to deal with extreme weather or fires. I didn't post last Friday because I'm a slacker so I will keep the kit on sale for another week.
This one is all about Kicking the Habit or better yet never starting it. Stop Smoking! You effect the health of everyone around you and people don't ask if they can light up like they did when I was a kid. Now they just do and blow it right at you. Yuck! Most people start when they are teens and it can damage their health in later years.
Click on the previews to pick them up for just $4.50 for the bundled collection, for another week.
I have seen in friends and family how this addiction can effect their lives. Just don't start and if you already smoke, please give it up. Your quality of life is important to those around you. As always happy scraping. Laramie