Freebies will be available from Friday to Monday PM

Friday, July 10, 2009

Sent with Love and Special Delivery

These photo's were taken on our visit in June. Our son wanted to push his Great Grandma that I named Gammie because I was the first grandchild. Funny that I'm the oldest grandchild with the youngest children. Life is strange sometimes. Anyhoo, he wanted to push her wheel chair while she was staying in a rehabilitation facility to recover from her cracked vertebrae. She is doing wonderful and I noticed a difference in how she was moving and in her strength since seeing her during Christmas. Wished we could have visited more but such is life...
Our daughter was a scheduled C-Section and well she took a breath before the doctor could get her out and she stayed in the NICU for five days. I was so glad that a really nice nurse fixed it so I could sleep in a family after I left the hospital so that I could nurse her every three hours. She and I both were so glad when they finally let me feed her. I was ready to nurse any baby at the hospital; I was so full. I tried pumping and nothing would come out until I nursed her. I was three days of agony.
This is Vicki's latest Freebie. You can pick up Sent with Love on her blog Here. Be sure to say Thanks. It is always appreciated. This is such a fun little kit.

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